
Our story

ChoraChori Nepal (CCN) was registered as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) in Nepal in October 2014. Since then, the NGO has conducted relief work and supported the rebuilding of government schools in Lalitpur District following the 2015 earthquakes, repatriated Nepali children from government children’s homes in India (183 children), rescued children from dangerous or exploitative situations in Nepal (49 children) and provided legal and psychological support and short-term residential care for child survivors of sexual assault (24 children). The NGO has also provided tailoring and jewellery making training to young women from vulnerable communities.

During 2021 CCN will establish the NGO as a community-focused organisation which will work directly with vulnerable children and women in their communities in designated project districts. Since 2015, CCN have reunited 256 children with their families in their communities, and the organisation wishes to expand the follow-up care provided to these children and introduce prevention activities in their communities where possible. Work in the communities will include: awareness raising in schools on issues including child rights, trafficking and marriage; income generation projects which will initially focus on families of returnees and include providing livestock and agricultural training; and legal and psychological support for child rape survivors. Staff will conduct field visits to ensure the welfare of returnees and their siblings, to explore and develop links with the local communities, and conduct awareness programmes in schools.

Our Mission and Vision

ChoraChori Nepal rescues Nepalese children from abusive situations in Nepal and India, bring the child abusers to justice, manages their trauma and reintegrates them back with their families and communities. Where this is not possible, we provide for children's care, education and vocational skills training until they can look after themselves as adults.

We envision ChoraChori Nepal at the forefront of the national network that confronts violence against Nepalese children and addresses its consequences. 

How We Operate

ChoraChori Nepal works as a community-focused organization which means we are mostly in field, engaging directly with the children, women and their families. We are a small team with its head office in Kathmandu supporting its field staff, child rescue teams and refuge/rehabilitation operation.